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CYA is a 501(c)3 Educational Organization

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Classic Yacht Association Refund Policy

Classic Yacht Association Refund Policy

If you’re looking for a refund for your online payment for whatever reason, we are happy to help. We offer complete refunds within 60 days of payment, unless otherwise noted in the original event registration description. You can only request a refund to the original payment method.

Please note the following exceptions to our refund policy:

  • Request made after a stated no-refund date.
  • Refund requested after preparation of specific event products and materials.

To initiate a refund, please complete the following steps:

  • Send refund request email to treasurer@classicyacht.org
  • Include details of online payment – date, event, etc.
  • Watch for confirmation email from the treasurer
  • Let us know when the refund appears in your account records

Feel free to contact us at info@classicyacht.org for more information, or if you have questions or concerns about the above process.


This document was approved by the Board of Directors on March 20, 2004.

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(C) 2025 Classic Yacht Association
CYA is a 501(c)3 Organization

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